(ImpValue>='100000')and would return records where ImpValue = "200". This is because alphabetically, "2" is bigger than "10" or "100000". The same problem affects dates, where "6/12/1982" is greater than "1/1/2020". Depending on the quality of the underlying data, and your knowlege of SQL, you can sometimes work around it, but it's often hopeless.
Common Options and Arguments | |
basemap | Specify the Basemap (for sites that have basemaps). Example: "basemap=satellite" Valid values are: streets, satellite, hybrid, terrain, topo, gray, dark-gray, oceans, national-geographic, osm, dark-gray-vector, gray-vector, streets-vector, topo-vector, streets-night-vector, streets-relief-vector, streets-navigation-vector Also: none, disables basemaps entirely, not available on all sites. |
id | Identify a feature on a layer, given a pipe-delimited list of arguments.
The first argument is the layer name, this is almost always the same as the name shown in the Layers TOC.
If there are only 2 arguments, the 2nd argument is the ObjectID (not particularly useful, meant for internal use).
If there are 3 arguments, the 2nd argument is the field name and the 3rd argument is the field value. Example: id=parcels|parcel_id|035222 For backward-compatibility, the old format with a dummy first argument is still supported. Example: op=id&id=0|parcels|parcel_id|035222 Try to use a field with unique vales. If multiple features are found, the first (random) feature will be used. Note: The field names are not always obvious, you can use the Advanced Query tool to discover them. |
preset | Specify the Preset (for sites that have presets) to apply on load. Example: "preset=zoning" This only works with site-defined presets; user-saved presets do not work. |
zoom | Zoom to a specific area, or point and scale. Command takes either 3 or 4 comma-separated parameters. Use 3 parameters to specify center point and scale (Format: zoom=x,y,scale). Use 4 parameters to specify opposite corners of a rectangular area. (Format: zoom=x1,y1,x2,y2). x/y coordinates can be decimal degrees, state plane feet or Web Mercator meters. Examples (in Blacksburg VA):
Other Options and Arguments | |
identify | Set the initial Identify layer. Example: "identify=addresses" |
search | Set opening search, which is usually "Parcels". This is primarily for internal use, since the names of searches are not obvious, but feel free to contact us if you need help using this feature. |
tool | Set opening tool, which is usually "Identify".
Icon Descriptions | |
Draw the shape selected in the pull-down. | |
Stop drawing. Same as double-click on map, for Lines and Polygons. Most other symbols are single-click or click-and-drag. |
Delete last item. | |
Clear all items. Note: Most other functions that draw on the map (such as Identify or Measure) will also clear all the drawn items. See the "Measure" and "View Files" tools for a method of saving your work. |
Icon Descriptions | |
Measure area. | |
Measure distance/perimeter. | |
Mark multiple points. Useful for selecting multiple non-adjacent features. |
Stop measuring. Same as double-click on map. |
Remove last measure. | |
Clear all measure data. | |
Redraw the measure shapes. Useful when another command, such as "Select Features by Buffer", redraws the map. Check "Use new symbology" to use colors, line types, etc. set in the "Edit Symbols" panel. |
Save measure feature(s) to point file. Not available on all browsers. Creates a point file that can be imported with the "View Files" tool. |
Save measure feature(s) to kml file. Not available on all browsers. Creates a kml file that can be viewed in Google Earth or imported with the "View Files" tool. |
North Arrow | Display north arrow in upper left corner of map. Currently, north is always top of screen, so a north arrow is somewhat redundant. |
Auto-hide Windows | Only display one floating panel over the map at a time. Good for de-cluttering small screens. On larger screens, you can move the panels around so they are not on top of each other. |
Auto-hide Results | Automatically hide the Results panel at the bottom of the map when one of the results is selected. |
Coordinate Display | Turn on coordinate display at bottom of map to show cursor location. Not particularly useful on touch screen devices. |
Lat/Long Format | "DMS" displays Lat/Long coordinates in Degrees/Minutes/Seconds format (37°12'18"). "Degrees" displays Lat/Long coordinates in decimal degrees format (37.205). This affects not only the map's coordinate display, but also the data display of the "Measure" and "View Files" tools. |
Coord. Format | Change the coordinate display of the "Measure" and "View Files" tools. |
Bookmarks | Save a named view of the current display extents. See also "Presets". |
Draw Tools | Draw lines, shapes and text on the map. Details |
Measure Tools | Measure lengths and areas. Details |
Settings | Change how the site looks or acts. Details |
View Files | Import and display various files on the map. Details |
ZoomTools | Zomm to specific location or scale. Details |
#Sample tab-delimited point file #X column: 1, Y column: 2 #Coordinates in state plane feet #H&P Blacksburg VA Office 10926167 3602873 10926543 3602928 10926644 3602521 10926312 3602460 10926167 3602873Example 2:
#Sample comma-delimited point file #X column: 2, Y column: 3 #with multiple features #H&P Blacksburg VA Office 1,10926167,3602873 2,10926543,3602928 3,10926644,3602521 4,10926312,3602460 5,10926167,3602873 ##NEWREC 1,10926156,3602822 2,10926427,3602893 3,10926459,3603191 4,10926056,3603128 5,10926156,3602822 ##NEWREC 1,10926481,3603195 2,10926672,3603223 3,10926663,3602907 4,10926536,3602894 5,10926562,3603145 6,10926482,3603141 7,10926481,3603195
DT | optional, must be QB if included |
DU | optional, must be DMS if included |
SP | x y: one record required. XY Coordinates can be Longitude/Latitude, State Plane (feet), or Web Mercator (meters). |
DD | bearing distance: at least one record is required. Distance must be in feet. |
#Sample Traverse File #H&P Blacksburg VA Office SP -80.41177 37.20236 DD N81-44-14E 380 DD S13-58-14E 419 DD S79-28-59W 338 DD N19-17-07W 438
Format: | Select the coordinate input format. If your browser has local storage enabled, this setting will be remembered. |
Latitude/ North (y) | Just what it says |
Longitude/ East (x) | Just what it says |
get current map center | Populates coordinate boxes with the coordinates of the map center. Same as leaving coordinate boxes empty. |
get physical location | Populates coordinate boxes with your physical location. Your browser settings need to allow this site to access location data. |
Scale: | Some sites allow arbitrary scales, others have a set number of pre-determined scales/levels. |
get current | Populates scale box with the current map scale. |